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The agricultural market can be divided into three main segments; namely, cattle, pork and poultry. Each agricultural market segment requires its own applications and solutions. TripleAir Technology understands the requirements and needs of these various segments and has aligned its complete filter programme to this market.
TripleAir Technology offers special filters for pig farmers across the world who want protection from airborne viruses, including PRRS and Mycoplasma. TripleAir Technology has achieved successful results in this area for many years using filters developed and produced entirely in house.
TripleAir Technology offers special particulate filtration systems for poultry farmers. Poultry produces fine particulate matter, which they carry in and beneath their feathers. Certainly in large numbers, particulate matter concentrations can reach values that are too high for both the animals and the environment. You also want to protect your poultry from airborne viruses, including PRRS and Mycoplasma. TripleAir Technology offers filtration solutions that reduce contaminants in the supplied air to healthy levels.